Mordecai is the shopkeeper that lives in Aurora Village, and is essential in the following quests: A Be
tter Fidget, and What's in the Box?
Throughout the course of the game, neither Dust nor the player learns his name; however, the credits refer to him as Shopkeeper Mordecai. Mordecai is usually excited to please customers in order to have them come back and buy from his shop, making a profit.
Mordecai creates a Fidget doll during the quest stated above by asking Dust to bring him some materials to make the doll and mould Fidget's shape to get an accurate form. Fidget didn't really like this, and remarked that he and Dust needed to form a "Stupid Hat Club." Mordecai shares materials with Sereth and Haley in order to restock and sell items that help Dust create augments, armour, pendants, and rings.
- The quest A New Venture can be completed by selling a new item to Mordecai instead of Sereth.
- Mordecai banned Moska from his shop for tipping a display, and creating a mess.
- After the quest A Better Fidget, the drawing that fidget made is shown when talking to Calum.